Contact Us

Box Office Address & Hours

Tickets for Weinberg Center and New Spire Arts performances and events can be purchased in person at our box office located at:

20 West Patrick Street
Frederick, MD 21701

(301) 600-2828

Box Office Hours:
Tuesday & Wednesday: 10AM–4PM
Thursday & Friday: 10AM–6PM
Saturday 10AM–2PM

Open One Hour Prior to All Performances.

Administrative Offices Address

To reach our Administrative Offices by mail, please reach us at the address below, and feel free to direct it to the attention of a staff member listed on our Staff Page.

20 West Patrick Street
Frederick, MD 21701


To purchase tickets, or for inquiries about seating, any special needs, or group sales, please contact our Box Office at (301) 600-2828. Tickets for upcoming performances and events can also be purchased online.


All orders placed over the phone or online will include a $5.00 per-order processing fee. All online orders are also subject to additional fees per ticket. All orders that require postal mailing will include a $3.00 postage fee.

Rental Information

For more information on rentals, please contact: Kitty Clark, Assistant Theater Manager: (301) 600-2839